These should then be added to the software project plan. 2. Step 2: Software design After collecting and analyzing important information in the previous stage, the enterprise software development company moves on to the second stage: design. At this stage of the software development process, the design of software solutions begins. Depending on the type of software being created, this may include interface designs, user experience (UX) outlines, prototypes, etc. Also, software development companies should specify system and hardware requirements.
Software implementation and coding After design, software developers can move on to the third stage of the SDLC – implementation and coding. In Real Estate Photo Editing this phase, the design of the software is translated into the source code. This stage is often the longest in the entire lifecycle and that's because developers need to make sure the code is correct before putting it live. This is also why it is not surprising that developers return to this phase several times if the tests find problems. 4. Step 4: Testing the software The software cannot work properly if its code is broken. , the software development company should test the code multiple times if necessary.